November 29, 2015

A Single Declaration: My Purity Ring Hiatus

It's time to get real, ladies.  Time to get real on a subject that I'm not really sure I want to talk about, mostly because I'm afraid to.  It's a feeling that we all get now and then, but we let it breeze slowly by unacknowledged.  This is a subject, a feeling, that I didn't even realize I belonged to until this last week.  It's dangerous.  It's a change.  It's a conversation that goes against the status quo of my own life...

It's the spiritual battle going on behind Purity rings.

I have one.  I love that ring.  In fact, it's the second purity ring I've gone through, because I found one for myself when I was younger in a box of old jewelry, and then my parents bought me a new one later on.  I really value that ring, wearing it on my left ring finger like a crown, never taking it off for anything. 

On my right hand, I've almost always worn a Claddagh ring.  For those of you who don't know, this is a traditional Irish ring that has a lot of deep, positive meaning to it.  It symbolizes love, friendship, and loyalty.  And it also reveals your relationship status depending on how you wear it. 

These rings stand for something meaningful, beautiful, and near and dear to my heart.  They always will.  They both hold memories of life, love of my family, love of Christ.  I would never dream of letting them go.

But lately, just like with anything in life, my mind has been corrupting the symbolism of these two rings.

You know, Satan has a funny way of twisting just about everything.  He can take the most pure and beautiful things, and cause them to fade and rust.  He even tried (and failed) to tempt Jesus by using his crafty spinning thread that weaves lies together in the blink of an eye (Matthew 4:1-11).  One moment you're on top of the world.  In the next, once he gets ahold of you, you could be in the depths of despair.  It's all a matter of perspective.

And lately, my perspective has been way off.

The final, eye opening, 180 turn around happened a week ago on one particular morning.  But that was just the end of an ongoing climax, beginning with the stroke of midnight the night before...

Because that night, at midnight, I turned 20 years old.

Most people would have been celebrating at that point.  It's a whole new decade of life!  It means you've left the awkward teenage years behind for good!  You can finally be counted as an actual, non-youth affiliated adult! 

Or, at least, that's what my friends have told me.

I, on the other hand, was up way too late suffering from a ton of anxiety.  I stared at the rings on my hands, how they had been there for so long without much reason or purpose, and I began to wonder... "What's wrong with me?"  There were 20 years of life behind me.  20 years filled with laughter, and light, and being used to do so many crazy fun and exciting things in the name of Christ!  So why was it that I still felt so...empty?

As I looked at my rings, my purity ring began to look more like a ticking clock.  "You better find love fast, before you're left all alone" it said.  My Claddagh ring laughed in agreement, "I've been worn backwards on her finger in the 'single' position ever since she bought me."  Without even knowing it, I automatically felt that those voices were right.  I knew that Satan had planted them there.  I knew that without a doubt.  But the circumstances causing my pain managed to get me listening anyway. 

In a conversation with a friend this week she mentioned how looking at a purity ring was sometimes depressing because all we were really wishing was that there was an engagement ring on our finger instead.  Even though I had never really been bold enough to say so, I had definitely thought that before.  I just hadn't known that other girls could relate to that feeling, so I'd kept my mouth shut.

Now, several of my friends have started dating amazing people, and it's not so bad.  In fact, it's been fun and exciting to see them grow in these relationships!  I love talking to them about it and watching their faces get that "look".  It's my favorite look in the whole world.  That involuntary smile that ladies and gents get in their eyes when they talk about the one they love.  It's like they can't even stop themselves from grinning like crazy.  It's the best, and it makes my heart so joyful!  Plus, I get the chance to learn about the right (and sometimes wrong) ways to handle relationships just by talking to them, which is nice.

The hard part, however, is when a friend of the opposite gender that you really like, or used to like, begins dating someone without even giving you a second thought.  Yep, that has happened to me.  It's happened a few different times, actually. 


And at that moment, at midnight on my 20th birthday, I managed to convince myself that I was absolutely worthless.

I ended up staying awake until 1am just thinking about things I could change about myself.  Not physical things, but things of the heart.  Am I loving enough?  Am I giving enough?  Am I strong enough?  Am I doing enough?

Will I ever just be enough?

I know this whole thing sounds like one huge heap of melodrama, but I'm serious, these thoughts had me close to tears.  It took me forever just to get my mind back on track so I could sleep.  I prayed, I wrote, I listened to songs of love from my Savior, and after all of that I was finally pieced back together enough to fall asleep.  But not until God snapped me out of it by saying...

"Hey, you!  Yes, you with the worry lines in your forehead.  The one trying to convince yourself that you aren't good enough.  Do you really want to throw away and completely trash how I lovingly designed you in my image, when you could actually spend your life based on the freedom to just be instead?"

I know, right?  It's like he read my previous blog post or something.  I guess I must struggle with being a hypocrite too, then, huh?

Even with that reassurance, though, I was still shaken.

It wasn't until the incredible message at church the next morning that my ridiculous behavior was truly pointed out to me.  The message was on giving thanks in every circumstance, but, good gosh, it spoke so much more than that.  I was totally moved when, as all my insecurities about being single, and forgotten, and unnoticed seemed to be drowning me, I heard this statement...

"We don't know love unless we first know that He loves us."

That alone made me want to burst into tears.  But then it was followed up by an even deeper statement of conviction...

"Every circumstance in your life has been so designed as to bring you to the full appreciation of his love for you."

Every circumstance?  Every broken heart?  Every sleepless night wondering if I measure up?  Every messed up friendship, all my shattered confidence, every guy I've loved who never looked my way...all for the sole purpose of realizing that...

...I am loved?

I've heard several times throughout my life that the One True God is a jealous god.  He doesn't just want to be one lover of my soul.  He wants to be THE ONLY lover of my soul.  Anyone in this world can love my heart.  Anyone can love my appearance.  But only God, the one who paid the ultimate price in order to protect what He held sacred, has what it takes to be the truly unconditional lover of my soul.

Knowing that, how could I have possibly been feeling unwanted?  It was insane.  Was I really that big-headed that I thought I could earn what he gave to me for free?  He knows everything I have done, and ever will do, and he still deemed me a daughter of the King.  Not begrudgingly either.  Oh no!  He didn't say "eh, this one's alright, I might as well just accept that she is who she is."  When God invited me into his cherished family, he said "Aly, my dear creation, you are my joy and my delight!  I have so much love for you, my dear child, and I desire for you to walk with me, even as I walk with you."

And that, my friends, is why I've decided that I will no longer be wearing my rings.  Not any time in the near future, anyway.  Are you having some trouble seeing where that connects?  Yeah, it's understandable.  I'll lay it out for you.

I was using those rings incorrectly in two major ways. 

First of all, my purity ring was a huge source of pride.  I was taking something that was supposed to be humbling, and making it into something that set me apart and made me "better" somehow.  I was beginning to look down on people who didn't wear a purity ring.  I might not have known I was doing it, but I was.  It was destructive, and I didn't realize just how destructive until that day.

Second, these rings were becoming a symbol of my own control over my life, and not God's.  That might not make sense to some of you, but I promise it does.  Both of those rings were supposed to be a sign that I was fully devoted to a beautiful love story with my Heavenly Father.  Instead, I was using them to say that "I'm not in a relationship or married yet, but I know I will be.  And when I do, I want to do it right."  The "doing it right" part isn't so bad.  But, seriously, where in the Bible has it ever said that every single girl will get married?  Where does it say that every guy will find a wife? 

Yeah, I couldn't find that anywhere either.  Check out this post from Tovares Grey:

So why am I wearing rings every day of my life as a symbol for something that maybe won't even happen at all?

Honestly, when did I start caring more about finding a spouse than I did about following God's plan for my life?  It's like I've been blindsided to a ball and chain inside myself that I hadn't even known was there.  And now I'm free. 

I removed my rings, and with that physical sign of surrender, God removed my burden.

Now, I'm NOT saying that you shouldn't wear your own purity ring.  Those rings are an amazing symbol of a promise that God made to us, and us to him.  It's a promise of love between us and our Savior, and it's good, and holy.  There's no reason to feel bad about wearing one. 

The only reason I removed my rings is because my own idea of them was beginning to negatively impact my personal relationship with God.  And by depriving myself of those rings, I'm hoping I'll be able to deprive myself of the toxic pride and control that I began.

Also, PLEASE don't think I'm going to just throw my purity away.  Marriage, dating, a pure and beautiful relationship, are all still a desire in my life.  Part of that 'keeping God first' promise is to remain sexually pure until that time when and if I get married someday.  I'm 20 years old, still first-kiss free, and I'm planning on remaining first-kiss free unless and until God sends me some husband material.  None of that has changed.

What's changed is how I'm going to live my life from here.  I'm going to chase after God with everything in me.  I wasn't able to do that before, and I didn't know why.  What I've realized now is that I had been holding myself back, planning for a future that might not even be mine.  Now I see my mistake.

The only future that is truly guaranteed is the future I have in Christ, and even though I haven't seen it yet, I already know it's better than any other future I could ask for.

What's holding you back from following God's true purpose for you? 

November 6, 2015

Keep Your Eyes Closed And....


There's a dry erase board on my desk.  It's plain, it's white, it's magnetic, and it's smudged all over from different phrases and sayings being written on it to give my work a little oomph here and there.  Writing inspiration mostly, but sometimes just general life encouragement.  My most recent quote:

Keep your eyes closed, and your mind wide open...

I really like this phrase.  For a writer, it helps your imagination soar a little bit.  It sounds so freeing.  The first time I heard this quote was in the movie Bridge to Terabithia, and it was all about allowing your head to expand and turn into amazing worlds that have never been seen before!  Exciting, right?  Yeah, it got me pretty excited too.

If only I had known how dangerous putting that quote on my board would be...

Now, the quote itself isn't dangerous.  It's great and inspiring!  It's a path to your imagination.  Don't misunderstand me there.  The dangerous part came from what I made that quote into. 

You see, I have a problem. 

Ok, you got me.  If you've been reading my blog, you know that I actually have quite a few problems.  But I'm referring to just one of those problems, and it's the fact that I think way to much.  I am never not thinking.  It's like the hamster wheel in my brain got taken over by a hamster that's hooked up to a constant caffeine flow.  It just never stops!  Even now there are several bits of information swirling about while I'm writing this post. 

What dress am I going to wear to that dance next week?  What should (and shouldn't) I talk about when I meet up with my friends this week?  Who do I need to contact for the skit group performances I have coming up?  What storyline should I continue for my NaNoWriMo book this month? 

See what I mean?

When a quote tells me everyday to close my eyes to what's around me and open my brain to whatever thoughts come, I end up in a constant state of questioning my present, my past, my future, and, for goodness sake, my very existence.  Can anyone relate?  Can I get an "Amen"? 

No?  Just me?  Ok.

But seriously, your mind is such an amazingly powerful place!  It dictates your words, your actions, and who you are!  However, when you allow it to just wander at will, there's a large possibility you'll find yourself wrapped up in chains of worry and doubt.  When you think too much about everything around you, and try to figure out life before it's time, you'll just end up confused and afraid.  There's no way for us to predict our own futures.

So...what's the alternative?

I wondered that too.  Then, suddenly, God threw the answer right in front of me when I was in the very depths of shame and sorrow.  A song came on the radio in my car, and the main chorus said Keep your eyes open.  "Unscramble the words."  God whispered to my soul. 

Suddenly, the original quote that was on my desk for weeks seemed so backwards in applying to my life!  I needed to turn it around.  Flip it.  Change it up.  That was what freedom was supposed to feel like.  Knowing you didn't have to think or worry about anything it life, you only needed to keep your eyes open to watch God work it out for you.  "Close your mind," God said, "and keep your eyes fixed on me."

Psalm 46:10 says, "Be still and know that I am God."

That's such a powerful verse, and God used it to change my perspective that day.  By constantly thinking, I was doing everything but being still.  Another one of my favorite Bible verses challenges me every day.  It comes from Philippians 4:6-7, and it says...

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

After all that, how could we possibly allow ourselves to think so much that it distances us from God?  He wants to take care of the worry.  He wants to settle our fear for good, and give us courage.  He wants to fights our battles for us, so that we can focus on our walk with him!  He has fully offered to "guard our hearts and our minds" in order to give us peace.  I don't know about you, but I definitely want to take him up on that deal!

What's my new motto, you ask?  It's a really good one.  And it's already made a positive splash in my life...

"Keep a quiet mind, and watch God work."

Freedom feels pretty good, doesn't it?

Yeah, my thoughts exactly.

So, next time you're tempted to close your eyes and open your mind to an afternoon of endless thoughts, maybe take a moment to pause.  Ask yourself if thinking your life away is really how you want to spend your days.  How much more could you be doing to make a difference in this world if you gave up the time you spent worrying?  Yeah, I know, that question hurt me too...

But it's true.  We spend so much time in our very, very short lives trying to safeguard ourselves for tomorrow, when we should really just be trusting God with that stuff and living for today.  Moments are beautiful.  Moments speak to us.  They breathe, and flow, and blossom with a joyful kind of contentment that we could revel in if we would just open our clenched fingers and let the worry float away.  If we would let our stubborn pride fall.  If we would tear down our walls, the ones we built from the fear of being wrong, and live. 

If we would only keep a quiet mind, and watch God work.

Do you see the difference?  It's the separation between being so concerned about our own daily life that it consumes us, and letting God take care of that daily life so that we can spend that concern on someone else.  In the second scenario, we channel our worry into something productive.  We allow God to transform worry into outreach.  We concern ourselves with those who need our help, and as we assist them in conquering their worries, through prayer and support, our own worries fade as well, all because God is working through us.

But in order to get to that point, we first have to rest in our Savior.  We need to let him take that worry from weighing on our souls, and fill the empty space with peace and compassion.  And resting in this way isn't going to just be a one time thing.  Oh no.  Because we live in this world, the worry-removal process is most likely going to have to be a daily event.  A constant emptying and refilling that will determine how we handle what's thrown our way.  And it can only happen when we "be still" and allow God to show us what he wants our quiet minds to see.

What do you say?  Would you like some peace?  Quiet?  An opportunity to just breathe?

Me too.

So let's do just that.  God's already given us the ability to.  He paid for that ability on the cross.  Ready to take a jump and work towards a life free of doubt and worry? 

Let go.  Let God.  Be free.

And believe me when I say that I'm telling myself this just as much as I'm telling you.  It's so hard.  But it's simple as that.

What types of worries are the biggest struggle for you?  Maybe make a list of everything weighing on your heart right now, then journal a prayer to give it to God.  Is there one worry that stands out among the others?  Does this one thing come up a lot for you?  Give that one some extra prayer time.