Who I Am

Hi, I’m Aly, and I would like to personally welcome you to The Fluent Project!  Here's a little look into what makes me, well, me!

Storytelling is my cup of tea.  The journey of writing my first story, The Iridian Dagger, began when I was only around 13 years old.  Through a childhood filled with play productions, participation in dance and music, and reading every kind of book I could get my hands on, I discovered just how much all these different forms of storytelling could inspire me at a pretty early age.

In fact, these stories inspired me so much that I promptly decided I was born to tell my own stories.  More specifically, I was born to tell stories through words.  Ever since discovering that passion, with the much appreciated encouragement of my parents and three younger siblings, I’ve written multiple books, scripts, and poems, of varying lengths and kinds.  All these stories continue to inspire me today, but none so much as the increasingly interesting story that God seems to be writing for me. 

I’m a normal person with a normal life.  I love chocolate, dislike roller coasters, and have allergies.  I’ve watched pretty much every Disney movie in existence, my room is covered in pictures of places I’ve never seen in real life, and the drama geeks of the world are my friend group of choice.  I can often be found reading on the porch in the summer, making soup or tea in the winter, and singing whatever song is in my head, no matter where I happen to be, all year round.  All of this is normal.  However, since I wholeheartedly dedicated my life to God, there have been things about my life that aren’t so normal as well…

From finishing my second novel, after I almost gave up on my first.  To getting the opportunity to direct a full length musical when I had next to no experience.  To running acting classes for a bunch of amazingly talented young people, when I was only just a young person myself.  There’s also the fact that I was blessed to be homeschooled by my mom until my sophomore year of high school, and blessed to attend a wonderful Charter School for the remaining three years.  God is the one and only reason I’ve made it to this point, with this wonderful mix of ordinary and extraordinary.  My world would have been a very grim place without him, and I can hardly imagine it. 

Don’t get me wrong, I’ve had plenty of terrible things happen in my life as well.  Things that have hurt me and my family, and majorly lowered my self-confidence.  But even though I could make a very detailed list of all the reasons I’m not qualified for any of the “extraordinary” in my life, and in my journals I most definitely have, I’ve learned that God truly enjoys using small people to do big things.  If that’s so, and if showing his strength through my weaknesses is his plan for me, than I will embrace it joyfully!  As for your story, and where it may lead, all you need to know is this:
No matter what happens, God is good.

God bless, friend!  And I hope you enjoy the rest of my blog.

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