September 15, 2016

8 Things They Don't Tell You About Working In Youth Ministry

I've been working in youth ministry for a little over five years now.  Since I was a youth myself, actually.  Initially I thought that it wouldn't change my life that much.  I was just starting an acting group for young adults.  I thought that my calling was simply to give teens a place to be themselves.  A place where they could find friendships, build confidence, and grow in a safe environment.  What I didn't realize is that I myself would also find all of those things in the process, and it would totally flip my world upside down.  I've changed more over the past five years than I could ever put into words.  And here are just some of the ways your life might change too if you decide to embark on the journey of youth ministry...

1. Your shopping trips get a whole lot weirder.

Just wait until the day you roll up to the checkout counter with a cart full of Oreos, pool noodles, a pillow, hedge trimmers, googly eyes, hula hoops, 12 liters of soda, clearance Christmas lights, and a pack of diapers, and try to explain it to the cashier.  This is just an example, but believe me when I say that this is totally realistic.  That's not even the craziest part.  The craziest part is that all of those things could be for just ONE GAME.  But that's just how your brain will start to work when it comes to youth night entertainment.

2. Unexpected vocabulary words.

You'll suddenly find yourself using words and phrases on a daily basis that you had barely even used once beforehand.  Some that have appeared on my daily use list are...

- suicide
- self-harm or cutting
- divorce
- depression
- anxiety
- pornography

...and so much more.  These words will spin through your head everyday.  But for the first time in your life there will be a face, maybe multiple faces, to match each one.  This will very quickly begin pulling on your heart strings, messing with your soul, and having you crying out to God more often than you ever thought you would.

3. You'll notice things.

You'll suddenly find yourself praying for that random guy in the grocery story because you saw him tugging at his long sleeves even though it's warm outside.  Instead of seeing her laughter, for that one particular girl you'll take a mental note of the sadness behind her eyes.  You'll read far more than just expressions, and hear more than just words.  This sixth sense will become more attuned with time, telling you when anyone in the vicinity is struggling.

4. Your joy will come from very abnormal places.

A young girl just told you her parents are separating, and you feel like leaping inside because she's finally comfortable enough with you to talk about her struggles.  You freak out because you know it's one more step toward healing for her.  You'll get excited over that one kid wearing a short-sleeved shirt in public, because you know he's been cutting lately and this is a sign of trust.  You'll celebrate over ripped up sheets of paper, because you know they were suicide notes that will never be read.  You'll look at your empty wallet and smile, because that money was spent going out to coffee with a teen whose life is falling apart, and it was the first time you'd seen them laugh in ages.  You'll find out that one of your students just started counseling because they want to quit their porn addiction, and you'll feel like maybe God really can move mountains.  Suddenly, the word 'joy' takes on a whole new meaning.  It's like little samples of Heaven right here on earth.

5. Miracles become the norm.

If I tried to tell you every single miracle I've seen in the last five years, we would be here for a very long time.  I could write a novel and still not cover it all.  Praying for cash we needed for a performance... we find $20 in an empty parking lot.  About a month later, more expenses for the same performance, my dad and brother watch in awe as a $50 floats down the street and comes to a gentle landing right where their vehicle is parked.  Satan once tried to destroy a show by causing one of our actors to get into a car accident in the parking lot of our venue only ONE HOUR before people were supposed to start arriving.  The car was totaled, but the actor came out of it with barely a scratch.  In fact, that particular actor even ended up performing that night.  At that same show we thought we had enough food to feed maybe 100 people, so when over 300 showed up we were positive we'd run out of supplies.  Every time we thought we'd pulled the last pie from the kitchen, a new one would be found somewhere else.  We left that day with food to spare!  An actual loaves and fish situation right before our eyes, and the audience had no clue.  One time I was praying about whether or not I should get a second job to help pay for TAG expenses.  Only a couple days later someone randomly walked up to my mom at church and handed her a hundred dollar bill, saying "It's for TAG."  There are plenty more stories I could tell, but that's another blog post for another day.  Just know that God will not leave you hanging.  If he wants something to happen, nothing is going to stop Him.

6. Not acting your age isn't such a bad thing.

I've always loved wearing character tees.  Shirts with Disney cartoons, superheroes, and other classics are usually my go-to when it comes to expressing myself.  I just love it!  Thanks to youth ministry, buying "adult clothes" isn't as necessary.  Now, when I start to feel guilt over buying yet another Captain America t-shirt, I get to rationalize by saying it's an easy way to relate to the teens and help them feel comfortable.  Plus, I'm a theatre director.  Adulting is more of a hindrance than a help in my line of work anyway.  Just sayin... ;)

7. If you don't know your opinion on something, you will.

Believe me, if you're looking for a fast way to find out how you feel about something, become a counselor.  The more I give out advice, the more I learn about myself and my stance in this world.  Sometimes I have to do research on a topic teens come to me asking questions about, and it's usually because they told me about a problem I didn't even know existed in the first place.  I can now say that I know what God's word says on these topics, and I know where I stand.

 8. Brokenness is not only ok, it's welcomed with open arms.

Or, it should be.  Unfortunately, the youth group at my church didn't feel this way for me.  That wasn't necessarily the fault of the leaders, but the fault of the specific teens who attended.  There were a lot of stereotypical "popular kids" that went to my youth group, and the few friends who stuck with me didn't feel comfortable there at all.  It's not a good place to be when you're hiding from bullies in the house of God.  I went to the same church most of my life, and yet every week when I arrived at youth group a leader would see me sitting alone, approach me, and ask if I was new.  Then I had the embarrassing task of telling them I had been going to church there for 8+ years, and was only sitting by myself because the one friend I had wasn't there that night.  Girls like me just didn't fit.  Not all youth groups are like this, mind you.  I actually ended up switching to a much smaller youth group at a different church for the last two years of high school, and it was lovely!  I made some incredible friendships.  But after that change of scenery, I made it my goal to make sure that my ministry never felt like a charity case for misfits.  No halting at surface level conversations.  Every time I walk into that room every week and see all the young adults with differing stories and life situations, I'm in awe.  Different churches, different schools, different lives.  Whether they're socially awkward, a little bit arrogant, or somewhere in between.  I see ADD, ADHD, PTSD, and a variety of other acronyms.  But what do we all have in common?  We all love Jesus, we've all felt lonely, and we don't want others to feel the same way.  Simple as that.  Simply, honestly, wonderfully beautiful.  And it's all evidence that God's planning is way better than mine could ever be.  I call it the "No TAGer left behind" policy.

When you decide to get involved in youth ministry, your life will be turned upside down.  You'll find yourself getting hit with wave after wave of trials, because satan doesn't like loyal servants of the King.  In fact, he despises us.  He's made it his goal to take us out one by one, and it's extremely personal.  But each new experience with darkness will just help your light glow stronger.  Never let your fire go out, my brothers and sisters.  Keep shining on!  Light your lamps with the refreshing oil of God's Holy Word, and allow faith to be your foundation.  I can't promise you it will be easy, but after five years of absolute crazy I can definitely tell you that it's worth it.

Keep pressing on.  Trust me.  If God has something up his sleeve, it's something you're gonna want to be a part of.

Most importantly, never stop believing that you're here for a purpose.  Once you believe that about yourself, it will be infinitely easier to believe it about your teens.  And please believe me when I say that's a message they desperately need to hear right now.  When you get involved with youth ministry, you're helping the next generation make the world a better place.  Don't stop.  I promise, you won't regret it.

September 5, 2016

A Walk In My Shoes: What It's Like To Have Social Anxiety

As many of you know, I have struggled with having anxiety for a large portion of my life.  Anxiety comes in many forms, has many sources, and can come with many different symptoms.  My personal struggle is Social Anxiety, which started after several emotionally and mentally traumatic experiences with bullying and rejection.  It's not nearly as severe as many other cases are, but still impacts my daily life.

Allow me to give you a look inside my mind.

First of all Social Anxiety makes many normal tasks more difficult simply because they draw attention in some way.  Things like this make me extremely uncomfortable, and actually cause me to stress and freak out if I'm having a bad enough day.  For example...

I have felt this same way so many times. The relief of getting back to your domain (your seat) and knowing you don't have to do that for a while is amazing. Then you feel it...that inconveniently timed urge to pee...and it all starts again.:

To most people this probably sounds like a ridiculous scenario.  I, on the other hand, read this and reacted by my brain shouting "yes, someone understands!"  Other scenarios include...

Social Anxiety Thing #212 - The internal panic and nervousness you get when you are told to call someone. Even if it's just the pizza guy:

Oh...I guess I must have social anxiety. Because I do all of these. But doesn't everyone? No? Idk:
Just in case a little definition would help you, here are some explanations of Social Anxiety specifically:

I wouldn't wish for my worst enemy to have this.. It sucks.:

I thank the person that put what I feel everyday into words.:

People with Social Anxiety have a variety of coping mechanisms to get through situations that make us uncomfortable.  These coping mechanisms can be a good indicator of whether or not someone you know has anxiety.

Exactly. An older lady said something about me being on my phone yesterday while I was reading an ebook waiting for an appointment. It's so hurtful. It's hard enough for me to sit there without you reinforcing why I'm anxious in the first place:
lost art quote life tumblr text depressed depression sad music quotes words pain anxiety alone broken:

There are several specific things that bother people with anxiety.  Mostly just the fact that we know we shouldn't be afraid, but can't stop the emotion anyway.  Some other things would be...

This x1000!!!  - socialanxietythings:

I really wish people would stop telling me this. Especially my brother. It already sucks enough as it is:

When people look at me I feel so insecure. When they look at me I think the give me dirty looks but I might be imagining and I feel like they laugh at me and I don't understand I don't really have any close friends.:

Just know that, despite my anxiety, I really am trying my best.  Anxiety is the reason I know God is constantly working in my life.  I'm a drama teacher for crying out loud!  Not many people with Social Anxiety can say that they actually get excited to direct a group of teenage actors every week.  But, believe it or not, my anxiety actually has the least amount of impact on me when I'm acting and directing.  It's like I'm a different person, and I know that's God working through me.

I'll leave you with a couple notes.  If you know someone, or multiple someones with Social Anxiety, here are some things to keep in mind.  Just love on us.  Know that we have quirks, and we might not want to be daring all the time.  But, when we do, we'll tell you!  And even if we don't, we still love you!  Don't mistake our quiet tendencies for weakness, anger, or a stuck up attitude.  Often times we have a lot to say, but are quiet because we haven't figured out how to say it yet.


September 3, 2016

My Prayer For Him...

Hello, ladies and gents!

I am totally blown away!  Usually my posts get, on average, about 50-80 views.  Sometimes as low as 30.  You know that last post about the Nice Guys?  276...  You heard me.


Guys, that's insane!  Not only that, but my blog has had consistent views every single day, which has never happened before.  Thank you all so much for actually taking an interest in the random ramblings that go through my mind!  I never actually thought that people would read my stuff, but I guess that's how I know God's the one giving me words.  He's so good!

And, since that post obviously hit home with quite a few people, it actually gave me some inspiration. On that note, I'll get to the point of this post so I can explain :)

So, lately I've been writing song lyrics.  I've always liked music, and I have songs going through my head on the daily.  But I've never really written songs before.  Suddenly, over the past few months, I have new songs pop into my head constantly.

It's never a full song.  More like bits and pieces of different lyrics that could possibly fit together.  But still.  I usually jot them down in my journal and, if I have time, sing the tune into the audio recorder on my iPod.

Well, as fate would have it, around a few weeks ago I came to a realization.  I wanted a better way to remember to pray for my future husband, because I had been feeling like I wasn't praying for him enough and didn't know how to change that.  Every time I sat down to pray the words just wouldn't come.  There was so much to cover, and so many other things on my mind.  Usually when this happens I try to find a song with similar lyrics to what I'm trying to pray for, and then I sing.  Adding music helps me concentrate, and I feel more in the moment with God.  That's when my search began, to find a song that I could sing to pray for my hubby.

The only problem was, as many Christian songs as there are about waiting for marriage and "what she wants in a Godly man", I couldn't find a single one that specifically prayed for the guy.  I was surprised to say the least. the course of two days, I wrote one for myself.

It's the first song I've ever finished all the way through, and I sing it almost every day now.  It constantly directs my heart to pray for that man that God is saving for me.  I'm not sure if I'll ever post a video of me singing this song, because I'm an introvert with anxiety and singing in front of a camera doesn't mix well with those things.  But for now I wanted to at least post the lyrics that God so clearly placed on my heart, just in case other girls needed a simple way to pray as well.  Ok, well, no more stalling...  This is "My Prayer For Him."

There's a name written on my heart
I'm not sure how many letters
Or even where it starts

But, God, there's something that I have to say
Whether I meet him next week
Or I know him today

You see, forever is a long time
And only You can make it right

That's why I wanted to pray

I pray he stands up in the face of the lions
Trusting you won't let him 
Stand there alone

When the weight of the world's on his shoulders
I pray he rests in your strength
Instead of bearing it all on his own

I pray he never gives up
Gives in to love
And believe even when hope is dim

This is my prayer for him

He won't be perfect, I  know
We've all got heavy burdens
And pasts to let go

So, Lord, give me patience and grace
To love him like you
On the good and bad days

I just need to trust you
Set my heart on what's true

Even when life starts to rain

- Chorus -

This is my prayer for...

His trials and his heartaches
When life is more than he can take
And when he's facing a closed door

Even when he's close to you
In joyfulness and solitude
Just let him know he's prayed for

- Chorus -

There's a name written on his heart
It's spelled just like mine
Though he has no clue where it starts

Loving me isn't quite so easy
That's why I've come to you
And I'm down on my knees

I'll just keep on serving you
Like I always strive to do

Until two become one out of three

And meanwhile, meanwhile

Maybe he's praying for me

Father, this is my prayer.  Keep his heart and mind filled with your presence.  Help him to fight for purity, live for truth, and stand up for those who can't stand up for themselves.  I pray that his eyes see the good, and that when he finds darkness his first response would be to get on his knees and talk to you.  I pray for a warrior straight out of Ephesians, clothed in your armor, that he would not hesitate before charging into battle by my side.  Give him courage to face the demons, and the determination to overcome them.  Most of all, I pray that you would grow me and mold me into a woman that kind of man would want to pursue.  Help us to see you in each other, and to take every opportunity to give you glory in our triumphs and shortcomings.  All I desire is to love you more every day.  Teach me to love like you.
