March 24, 2019

The Me That I Am

I met someone new;
An intriguing acquaintance, now mine.
A voice that rang bells. Eyes like ghosts.
And a door opened.


Lips as red as the bleeding heart on her sleeve.
It didn't take long to notice,
She was a cocktail of emotion.
She moved through life like a bullet.


A name settled on the tip of my tongue,
Unbeknownst to my mind.
Recognition, but no placement.
She remained a mystery.


We struck up conversation
Like one strikes a match.
Words passed.
Time didn't.


I knew her face so well,
Yet identity still escaped me.


Something happened.
Movement caught my eye.
She adjusted her glasses, and there it was.
The quirk gave it away.




How could that be?
This reflection wore my face,
But not my flaws.
She was...more.


There was passion in her presence.
I looked at her shoulders.
The usual weariness was gone.
I was breathless.


I barely recognized her
Without the boulder on her chest.
Where was the inhibition
that lived behind her teeth?


She loved like the first breath
And gave like the last.
She looked at hurdles with narrowed eyes
And jumped.


She glided past rejection.
She broke.
She let go.
And then shared her heart anyway.


She was green tea and ginger;
Adding warmth and spice to life.
She was a novel from 1945;
Old fashioned, with scribbled thoughts on every page.


She was the desk in her room,
As shamelessly messy as her mind.
She was unshaken, creative,
Knowing, undefeated.


She learned from the past,
Laughed in the present,
and faced the future with anticipation.
All three were friends to her.


My soul wept at the sight of her.
Father, will I ever get there?
I asked.
I want to be who she is.


I wanted the restfulness in her eyes.
I wanted the contagious joy in her posture.
I wanted to trust no matter what.
I wanted to step out on the sea and believe I could stand.


Lord, when will I be her?


The answer came,
Waves of tenderness
Crashed on the shore of my soul.


You are.


Just two words,
And all I could do was breathe.
My lips fell open.
My eyes fell closed.


That answer was impossible,
Yet, somehow, believable.
The Creator said it.
It must be so.


My heart and brain sped.
The previously new acquaintance vanished.
It was just me.
But not really.


There was also Him. The voice's keeper.
Unshaken, creative,
Knowing, undefeated.


And He was the reason
I found those two words so believable.
In His death I gained life.
In His brokenness I was made whole.


The rest was history.
My existence defined in two words.
Made with a purpose, unstoppable,
Even by my own shortcomings.


The inheritance of royalty
Given to a beggar on the street.
How great the Father's love for us!
How vast beyond all measure!


That was the first day God introduced me
To myself.
And ever since I've been discovering
The me that I am.

(Photo Credit: Natalya Bartelt)