January 6, 2016

18 Lovely Words I Learned In 2015 That You Probably Didn't Know Existed

Out of all the many art forms, the art of words has always been one of my favorites.  You can memorize the dictionary, and still be finding new words every day that help you express yourself in ways you never could before.  Maybe these words will do that for you, just like they did for me when I discovered them in 2015.

By the way... Happy (belated) New Year!

1. Werifesteria...

Does anyone else have several Disney movies running through their mind?

2. Cyranosis...

I've definitely experienced this one before.  Nerdy, I know.

3. Logolepsy...

Hmm... I wonder if I know anyone who has this... *wink*

4. Chrysalism...

Who knew there was a word for this glorious experience?  I'm so, so glad there is!

5. Monachopsis...

This is for all of my loverly friends who prefer to make their own mold instead of form to the current one.  You are my people, and I adore you.

6. Pistanthrophobia...

And, even though this is true of me, I wouldn't ever change it.  Some of my best friendships have developed while working to overcome this fear. 

7. Logophile...


8. Scripturient...

I've definitely experienced this before, but I wish I experienced it even more often.  I would finish my writing projects so much faster if I did!

9. Nemophilist...

This is just wonderful.  That's what this is.

10. Librocubicularist...

Again, guilty.  This word is definitely my favorite of the bunch, just because it's fun and long and it makes you sound exceedingly smart when you say it (even though the meaning is simple).  It's just perfection in word form.

11. Solivagant...

Sometimes I feel solivagant, and that's just fine.  It's a rather romantic sounding word, isn't it?

12. Vellichor...

Ah, yes... The greatest of appreciation goes to whatever wonderful human decided to put this scrumptious feeling into a word.  Me thanks you.

13. Philophobia...

This one also has to do with pistanthrophobia.  It's almost like the two were meant to go hand in hand.  Yet, at the same time, the one further describes the other.  And they're both perfectly conquerable with the help of what developed the fear in the first place.  Strange, huh?

14. Agraphia...

So we meet again, my constant foe...

15. Atelophobia...

Thankfully, I have a very BIG God that carries me through this fear.  Satan can only get so far with phobias before God overcomes.  Thank goodness!

16. Agowilt

And this is how... God overcomes my fear by reminding me that they are simply agowilts. 

17. Abditory...

As a writer, reader, and professional introvert, I am very good at finding these.  Oh yes, I love me some abditory.

18. Fernweh...

The pictures all over my room of places I've never seen are proof that I experience this on the daily.  It's an ache, but it's a beautiful ache.  It means there's adventures yet to be had.

Well, I hope you enjoyed my nerdy first blog post of 2016.  Thank you for journeying with me this far, and for reading all of my madness.  I love you all!  Here's to a great year of love and light!