A Blog With Purpose

So... I don't know about you, but I'm one of those people who is constantly reminded of how terrible I am at communicating properly.  In person, over the phone, through prayer, the same things always happen.  I stumble over my own tongue, I make a fool of myself, and sometimes I end up hurting feelings without even realizing it.  The one area of communication that I love, though, is the written word.  I can backspace, I can take a lot more time to think through my words before I "say" them, and I get to edit everything several times over before it ever reaches the public.

However, as much as I despise this common truth, not all communication can be completed through the written word.  I know, it's sad, right?  But that's the reason I felt lead to create this blog.  You see, not only do I love writing, but I'm heading toward doing it as a career.  In my book series, "Fluents and Shadows", my characters tend to struggle with communication just like I do, and on several different levels...

1. With God

2. With each other

3. With themselves

After growing up writing about these characters, I found that I struggle with all three of these as well.  And after some incredible conversations with friends, I noticed similar situations.  That's why I started The Fluent Project.

Connecting with God and each other through the stories we tell.

We all have stories, and our stories are where we come together.  Whether telling a story, or listening to one, that's where communication begins to flourish.  This blog is where I'll share my own stories as I learn what communication is all about in my writing, in my relationships, and in my walk with God.  I hope you'll journey with me, and I look forward to hearing your stories as well.

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