April 17, 2015

So This Is Love...

I have a problem...

Over the past few weeks I've been trying to make time to sit down, open my Bible, and make it something I look forward to on a daily basis, but it just doesn't seem to be going as well as I'd hoped.  For awhile it was working.  I was reading about Joshua and his mighty men, and it was thrilling!  As long as God was with them and they with God, their swashbuckling army could not fail!  They conquered mass amounts of kingdoms, and overcame some truly amazing battles, and reading about it definitely got my attention!

The next chapters, however, were not so tantalizing.  I can only read about genealogy and what pieces of land went to which Israelite tribes for so long before my interest takes a nose dive.  Not that it isn't interesting...  But that kind of reading just isn't as breathtaking as the stories are.

Needless to say, I ended up skipping past it.

Yesterday I started reading about Ruth and Naomi.  And, like opening a brand new romance novel, I was swept off my feet.  A young widow chooses to accompany her mother in-law (who is also a widow) to a strange new place away from her hometown, and ends up being noticed by an amazing man of God, Boaz, who becomes the love of her life.  Now, I've read this story before, but for some reason it had a whole new aroma about it this time.  It got me thinking a lot about love.  Not just the relationship kind, but all kinds of love.  It brought me back to the famous passage in 1 Corinthians 13, and I was truly captured by it this time.  A question was brought to my mind once again...

What does God say about love, and how can I remember it in a way that I can go back to daily?

Usually when I picture love, my mind gets swept along by all the Disney movies I grew up with as a kid.  Yup, I was that child.  The child who came home for the first time to a full on Mickey and Minnie nursery, and I've been hooked ever since.

If you are anything like me, it is always easier to sit down and pop in a Disney movie than it is to truly get into God's Word.  I know, that makes me sound like a terrible person, but it's just the truth.  Staring at a screen, watching a magical story unfold, is just much more tempting.  But what do all Disney movies have in common with the Bible?


That's why I decided to pair each of the characteristics of love from 1 Corinthians 13 together with the Disney characters that I believe truly display each quality.  I'm doing this not only to get a chance to really think about this passage, and have fun doing it, but also to have a way to plug each phrase into my memory.  I hope you enjoy reading through this as much as I did putting it together!

Love is patient...

Jane teaching Tarzan is my favorite part of the movie.

Love is kind...

The perfect example of showing grace to those who hurt you.

It does not envy...

She grew up in the woods, very poor, and yet totally content.

It does not boast...

Disney Pixar animated GIF
"Pull back!  Pull back!  Make it close!  Go for second!"

It is not proud...

The only ones on both sides to give each other a chance.

It is not rude...

No matter what Carl had to say, Russel was always polite.

It is not self-seeking...

This scene stuck out in my mind right away.

It is not easily angered...

(The T-Swift reference was too perfect, I couldn't help it...)

It keeps no record of wrongs...

To this day, I love how they welcomed Kuzco into the family.

Love does not delight in evil...

"I don't wanna be the bad guy anymore."

But rejoices with the truth...

Yeah, I would have hugged him too.

It always protects...

His methods were a little questionable, but still quite a protector.

Always trusts...

"Wow, that was like some crazy trust exorcise or something."

Always hopes...

disney animated GIF   

Basically self explanatory.

Always perseveres...

The title of the movie says it all. Bravery perseveres.

Love never fails.

Fun, right?  Now, whenever I watch these movies, I can think about this passage of scripture.  Hopefully I can memorize it too!  Thanks for the read!

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