April 20, 2017

My Favorite #SherlockReacts Posts From Series 4

Image result for sherlock series 4 the lying detective

I realize this post is a bit late. A few months late to be exact.  But these pictures and expressions are still ringing in my mind after series 4 so, even though it's taken far too long for me to compile this list, I'm posting it anyway. Enjoy!


In the midst of having extreme anticipation for Sherlock Series 4 I learned about a beautiful new hashtag...  #SherlockReacts.  After each of the new episodes, I found great comfort on twitter knowing that I wasn't the only one completely losing my mind over the fantastic writing and plot twists that The Six Thatchers, The Lying Detective, and The Final Problem offered up for us.  All three episodes were WELL worth the more than two year wait, let me tell you.

Just simply from a writer's perspective, I absolutely love what they've done with character development in this series.  The Lying Detective, especially, revealed some of the deepest examples of brave character growth that I've ever witnessed, and it truly inspired me.  Not only that, but Sherlock's little speeches about self harm and suicide were near and dear to my heart, being someone who works with teenagers who struggle with those very things everyday.  Sherlock and John's friendship and desperate reliance on each other were depicted in a shade of compassion that's always been evident, but never played out on screen in such a touching way before.

So, now that I've shown you just how obsessed I am with this show, I think it's time I lay out just what I was thinking at the end of these episodes of Series 4. 

Without further ado, here are my favorite #SherlockReacts posts!


Episode 1 - The Six Thatchers...

Episode 2 - The Lying Detective...

Episode 3 - The Final Problem...

Well, there you have it!  Who could have known a simple, half-hug could cause such an outburst of emotion.  I felt like I saw a child taking their first couple steps, and yes I definitely cried.  It was such a breakthrough.  Ugh, I need to stop writing about it before I cry again.

Well done, Sherlock cast and crew!  You've got us all on the edge of our seats, and it's a grand ride to be a part of.  Keep it up!

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