July 15, 2015

20 Signs That You're Living The #WritersLife

Some days, just for fun, I sit around and think about all of the reasons I know I'm a writer.  In fact, one time I was so bored that I actually compiled a list of these reasons.  Since writers tend to have a lot of these things in common, I decided to post that list here for all to see.  So, next time you feel like posting about your life as a writer, you'll have plenty of options to choose from.

Also, for all of my friends and family, you can take this as fair warning.  This is who I am, and if you didn't know before, you're about to find out what goes through my mind on a daily basis.

Ready... Set... Go!

1. Maps of the Twin Cities, lists of abandoned buildings, and diagrams of bullet entry and exit wounds found on your laptop.  Not a criminal.  #writerslife

2. Seeing all your favorite books on someone's shelf = instant friendship.  #writerslife

3. Having a really awesome idea for brand new complex book series that you know would be a bestseller, but feeling way too lazy to do all the research for it.  #writerslife

4. Sweater weather, better weather.  #writerslife

5. Introverts, unite!  (Individually.  Maybe through a text message.)  #writerslife

6. Just about any life situation can be justified when thought of as "research for story accuracy".  #writerslife

7. Wishing there was a less damaging way to experience a certain wound so that you could write about it more accurately.  #writerslife

8. Walking through a cemetery with a notebook to find interesting character names.  #writerslife

9. John Green quotes.  #writerslife

10. Shoulder pains from carrying notebooks and chapter books in your bag all day. #writerslife

11. Going to the chiropractor instead of removing said books from your bag.  #writerslife

12. Some days my ideal lifestyle looks like a hermit with a really nice library.  #writerslife

13. Having a job where telling people to go away is a "good business move".  #writerslife

14. Which character should I be today?  Not that one, he's getting stabbed in the next chapter.  #writerslife

15. Staying in your pjs till noon because you're immersed in your story world is considered dedication.  #writerslife

16. Sometimes I spend all day writing #writerslife jokes in my journals because I have writers block. #writerslife

17. Wanting a house to be your library, and a library to be your house.  There is no difference. #writerslife

18. No plot, no problem!  #writerslife

19. I'm not messy, I'm creatively organized. #writerslife

20. Talking to yourself in different personalities isn't schizophrenia, it's character development.  #writerslife

Do you have any #writerslife stories to contribute?  I would love to hear them!  Let me know in the comments, and maybe I'll use them in my next #writerslife post!

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