April 21, 2015

Bits and Pieces: Have-Not's Alley

As you may have noticed, I didn't put out a Tidbit Tuesday blog post last week.  After considering my crazy lifestyle, I realized that scheduling out my blog might not be the best idea.  Especially because I won't always have a bit of story in mind to post anyway.  So, I've decided to rename this segment "Bits and Pieces", and use it to post my favorite bits of reading or writing on any given day, not just Tuesdays.

Today I've chosen an excerpt from a novel that I started writing during NaNoWriMo in 2013.  I've always had this obsession with fairytales, but I'm always bothered by how perfect the characters are made to be.  Nobody is actually perfect, so I decided it might be fun to create a fairytale with characters who have faults, make mistakes, and need to be brought back down to earth sometimes.  That's what this scene is all about.  

That, and I really like the character Christopher.  I always imagine him having a Scottish accent and that makes me super happy.


The less public way into town was the path through Have-Not's Alley that I usually took to get around, and although it normally remained pretty empty, today it was packed with people.  On holidays like this one, the back alleys of the town were used by immigrants and poor folk as a grand mall of sorts.  The narrow, filthy streets were crowded with beggars, buyers, and even some carts for vendors.  It seemed every single person in the entire village was out enjoying the festivities, or even just taking advantage of the good moods of the people. 
I lifted the hood on my cloak so that no one would recognize me as the Prince and beg for my assistance (or wealth), and concentrated on looking at my feet.  I knew these streets better than I knew the castle, so navigating them with my head down did not prove to be much of a challenge...until...
Someone was following me.  Someone in a green cape, who also had their hood down over their eyes.  Every time I stopped or took the slightest hesitation, they would stop as well and pretend to look at one of the items that was for sale.  But I could tell they weren't just shopping, whoever they were, because every time I stopped they appeared a little bit closer than before..
I began to pick up speed, trying to be subtle about it.  My strange shadow picked up speed as well.  This was good.  Now I could hear their footsteps amidst the crowd.  The faster I walked, the louder their steps became.  My heart elevated in rhythm, pounding in my chest like a drum.  Finally, I made up my mind to find out who my new "secret" watcher was. 
I broke into an all-out run, navigating the city's back streets with little hesitation.  Just as I hoped, my shadow ran to match my speed.  My timing would have to be perfect if this was going to work. To my right was a line of buildings, the back sides of town shops and stores with around five or six feet of space in between each one.   I waited until the person behind me was lined up with one of these small alleyways between buildings, then I turned and pounced.  Quick as a coiled snake I pushed the person up against the building, pinned them to the wall with my arm across their collarbone, and tore the hood off their head to reveal...
"Hello, Daniel.  Fancy seeing you here."  He grinned sheepishly as I looked on in bewilderment.  "Um...Could you let me go now?"
I did as he asked, taking a step back and finally allowing myself to catch my breath.  Adrenaline still coursed through me, causing my lungs to shake with my hasty inhale, exhale rhythm.  "Christopher...you scared the living day lights out of me!"  I panted between sentences.  "What were you thinking?  I could have killed you!"
"Well, thank you for not doing that.  I really, really appreciate it.  And I was thinking about how your parents would have my head on a gold platter if I didn't follow you.  By the way, your dad is extremely scary sometimes!"
"Oh, I know."  I muttered.
"What are you doing creeping around in the back alleys of the village like a peasant?  It’s dangerous for you to be down here in the slums." 
"I have been training in swordsmanship and combat since I could walk.  I think I would be fine, Chris." 
Then he gave me that look.  That one look that always meant he was about to say something wise in a way only Christopher could.  "Daniel...Prince Daniel...have you ever stopped to consider if something did happen to you?  What if you were ambushed and perished in some awful way.  Your father is not getting any younger.  And your mother is wise, but she cannot rule a kingdom on her own.  The next in line for the throne after Your Highness is Blake, and we both know that would be disastrous.  So, excuse me if I worry about you, Daniel, but I am your friend, and I want you to succeed your father more than anything."
The seriousness in his eyes caused my confidence to crumble.  I held out my arm, and he grasped it heartily.  "I apologize, Chris.  I did not know I was worrying you so.  I will try not to be this careless and self-thinking from now on.  Will that please you?"
He smiled gently and nodded.  "Very much, Prince Daniel.  Thank you for considering my plea."
I released my hand and looked down the alley toward the main streets.  They were filled with flowers, ribbons, and costumes in a rainbow of colors.  "Well, I say we attend the festival.  What say you?"
His smile grew.  "Yes, Prince Daniel."  Then, after bowing deeply, he took off toward the festival at a run.  

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