February 11, 2016

The Creative Soul's Guide To Getting In The Word

If I had to name one of the biggest struggles I've had in my faith journey so far, it would be this one.  The Bible is a beautiful piece of living artwork that God gave us as a connection to him, and in this troubled world, it's one mighty large breath of fresh air.  However, if we're honest, how often do we actually WANT to take advantage of that free oxygen?  I'm a creative-minded being with some ADD and anxiety, which makes it extremely difficult to sit down and focus on the Living Word of God sometimes.  Ok...most of the time.

This year, I wanted that to finally change, but I still didn't know how.

How could I get more interested, and even excited, about something that I've always struggled with?  The answer came to me in the most unexpected of places:


Apparently there are other creatives out there who have also been looking for a new approach.  And they found it.  A way to see the Bible with new eyes, and fall in love with it in a deep and personal way.  It's called Bible Art, and it's one of the most beautiful forms of worship I've ever experienced.  I've been doing Bible Art for a few months now, and now taking the time to do devotions in the morning is not only an easy choice, it's insanely enjoyable!  God has taught me so much through this brand new approach, and so that's what I'm going to show you today.

Keep in mind, none of these are my actual artwork.  I might post some of my own in a later post, but not today.

- Bible Journaling -

Bible Journaling is the wide-spread title for this style of worship.  It involves creating imagery on a page that helps you better pick apart the portion of scripture that you're studying.  If you're a visual learner like I am, this can be so helpful.  Especially when some scripture is harder to understand.  Once you research that section and grasp some of the meaning, you can create an image to help you remember what you've learned.  The actual act of making the artwork is also extremely therapeutic, and it's a great opportunity to encourage spending more time on devotions than we usually do.

You can also use various techniques to make notes on your page.  There are a lot of different choice artist tools you can use for Bible Art.  My favorite way to Bible Journal is by using a pack of stamp ink pads that I got at a craft store.  Nothing fancy, just the cheap brand.  I spray some water onto a paint brush or a sponge brush with a squirt bottle, dry it off a little bit, and then dab it on the stamp pad.  It creates almost a watercolor type of look on the page, without bleeding through the thin paper like paint does.

- Get Creatively Portable -

I don't have this personally yet, but I found this idea today and I'm seriously thinking about making one.  If there's one thing that makes devotions hard for me, it's that I'm so busy, and sometimes I don't have all the writing utensils I need to bring my Bible with me on the go.  This pouch could be easily made with a regular pencil pouch and a flat headband.  It would make doing devotions in other places so much easier, especially on trips or on vacation.  Not to mention just going to church.  So cool!

- Bible Journaling Notebook -

Worried about not being able to fit all of your notes or artwork in your Bible?  No problem!  Designate a special notebook just for that purpose.  Keep it by your Bible and use it to mark down all your thoughts while you read.  Even better, if you have a special chair or other spot that you usually like to read in, keep a cup of fun markers and colored pens there so that they're ready to go next time you do devotions.

- Washi Tape -

If you decide to start doing Bible Art, Washi Tape will be your best friend (second to Jesus, of course).  It's very adhesive, but easily removable when lifted with care, which is perfect for thin Bible pages!  Plus, it comes in a plethora of different colors and patterns, so finding a tape to fit the personality that God has given you will not be hard, I promise!  It's especially nice for taping memoirs, notes, or separate artwork into your Bible.

Use different patterns and colors to mark the books of the Bible, or other sections that you want to find easily!  In my Bible I used a strip of Washi Tape to mark the separating page between the Old and New Testament, and it worked super well.  

Deck it out!  Washi Tape makes a great background for sticker art, or a boarder if you just want to outline a specific verse.

There are so many different ways Washi Tape can be used for Bible Journaling, so get creative!  It's even a great way to put tabs in your Bible so that you can personalize what they say and where they're placed.  The possibilities are endless!

- For The Less Artistically Inclined  -

If you aren't too comfortable with your free-hand artwork (like myself), there are still lots of ways to spend some time with God through the beauty of creativity.  Firstly, stamps, stencils, and stickers are going to be the way to go for you.  Whether you print off stencils and cut them out, make your own stamps out of household objects, or purchase specific designs for the section of scripture you're on, you'll find plenty of ways to express your artistic side in the pages of your Bible.  If you're still lacking confidence, purchase a second Bible from a thrift store and make it your "test Bible" to make sure what you have planned will turn out well.

You can also spew your art on a separate piece of paper and use some Washi Tape to place it in your Bible.  This is a fantastic option for those of you who are a little freaked out by the idea of only having one chance to get a good look from the design you want to put on the page.

- Just Make It Personal -

The most important thing to remember is the reason you're making this artwork in the first place.  It's not to make your Bible "pretty".  Doing this is to help your creative mind see the Living Word as more peaceful and approachable.  It's to take the stress out of devotions and make it a time to focus on the individuality that God created you with.  I guarantee that if you make that your focus, your Bible will turn out to be pretty anyway, no matter how good (or bad) of an artist you are.  Use it as a chance to really dive deep into discovering who God really is, and the purpose he has for you.  Learn, grow, breathe, and create in the presence of the original creative mind.  He invented the first works of art, so let him use art to teach you all about the good work he's doing in you!


Do you participate in the beauty of Bible Journaling and Bible Art?  I would love to see it!  Send me what you've been working on and what it's been teaching you.  

You can find more ideas for Bible Art by looking it up on Pinterest and Youtube!

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