May 5, 2020


The past couple weeks have been...a struggle, to say the least. A struggle to get out of bed. A struggle to maintain routine and avoid depression. A struggle to see myself through God's eyes, instead of my own very critical ones. I lost a friend to suicide two weeks ago, and the wonderful dog I had since I was ten had to be put down around the same time. I was confronted by a wave of deep hurt from a source that I can't even talk about, which has brought about flashbacks of the bullying I went through in middle and high school. I'm not gonna lie, the past couple months have been months filled with soul searching and wondering who Aly is even meant to be.

Tonight I finally sat down to wear my heart on my sleeve with God for a while. I didn't know what I was expecting, but writing has been a fight too recently, so I was definitely surprised when the beginnings of a poem drifted to the forefront of my mind...

Growing up with my own insecurities, several bullies, a few crappy boyfriends, and some opinionated relatives has resulted in a profound lack of trust that remains buried deep within me. It takes an extremely long time for me to believe someone isn't going to just up and leave without telling me why. Thanks to some incredible friendships that have formed over the past few years, I'm a lot better at the whole trust thing than I used to be. But every once in a while it still rears its ugly head.

This week was a climax.

I don't know if anyone will relate to this poem... I don't even know why I'm allowing my heart to bleed all over the internet like this tonight... I guess it feels like the right thing to do. Even just simply because I want to be real.

I don't want to hide. And I want others to know that they don't have to hide either.

I'm babbling now, but there's the context for you. So, without further delay...


I'm only me when I'm alone
And only the lonely me knows
The broken pieces others left behind

They've called me stained glass
Using art to distract from my brokenness
And color to cover
The gray in my soul

They've called me a reflection
Giving to others only what I receive
And conforming so well
That the only and lonely me shatters

They've called me adulteress
One who flirts with a passing stream
And winks at love with such intensity
That I feel nothing at all

I am weak and numb
I am stubborn and emotional
I have so much dangerous ambition
That I accomplish nothing at all

I don't stop being afraid
It lives, walks, breathes in my bones
Where I am, there fear will be also.

I live in water so deep
My neck aches from reaching
And my heels won't touch the rock below
Living is essential, breathing is optional

Breathing is required for sleep
So I don't
Instead I sit and think
Mostly of You

And then I write
Terrible things, wonderful things
Things that would make their blood boil
Hope and hurt and tears

And then I feel
Terrible things, wonderful things
Things that make my blood boil
Pain and passion and tears

And then I pray
Terrible things, wonderful things
Things that made Your blood boil
Grace and glory and tears

I'm never not a mess
I eat disaster for breakfast
And emulate it the rest of the day

I try so hard to be unique
That I end up like everyone else
I attempt to convince You to love me
When You already do

I run in circles and think in squares
I weep in my weakness and long to be held
I fall on my sword for love that brings ruin
I offer resistance to love that brings peace

And it's true.

I need You
Do not let this harden my only and lonely heart
Not again

As I diminish, grow
As confusion abounds, clarify
As the ache settles, reassure
As I mourn those still living, be my solace

Tell me stories
Terrible things, wonderful things
Things that made your blood boil
Love and longing and tears

Weep with me
Dance with me
Ache with me
Laugh with me

I may not understand
The terrible things, the wonderful things
But You do
And Yours is the only voice that matters

Because in a world of misunderstandings
My only and lonely heart
Is perfectly understood
In You

1 comment:

  1. This has definitely hit home. You have perfectly explained the exact way I have been feeling the past few years (especially since I gave my life back to Christ). Please don't stop what you are doing. Stumbled across your blog today, pretty much everything you have written is precisely what I've been needed to hear. God has amazing ways of speaking through other people and (not just this post) this blog was exactly what I needed today. I prayed last night and told Him that I feel as though I was giving up on life, but not Him. Layed in bed mulling over my past mistakes and the feeling of being abandoned and ridiculed by my 'friends' and family because of my past choices and the way I am. Only to wake up to a sermon and this blog. Thank you for your beautitifully knit words filled with His love and strength. I pray the Lord continues to bless you in your endeavours! Thank you.
